Saturday, October 31, 2015

Feminism Vs. Equality

   Feminism is defined as the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes. Equality is the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, or opportunities. So what is the difference? Feminism is promoting women. This is why so many people, especially men, don't like feminism.
   The truth is, feminism is basically viewed as another ism, even if its different. Many people hear the word and immediately assume that all it is is women trying to assert their dominance over men. Perhaps "feminism" isn't the right word for the movement, because true feminists really are trying to achieve sexual equality.
   For this reason alone I do not label myself a feminist, even though I agree with their mission and cause. Men and women are both people, both human beings, so why should one be better than the other? Because one gender has a "y" chromosome instead of another "x"? Because one gender gives birth and the other doesn't? Because one gender is more physically inclined?
   No. These reasons do not make one gender better than the other. It is true that males and females are different, but different does not mean better or worse.
   Both feminism and equality try to get this point across. They both are part of the fight for what's right, even if feminism has an "ism" name.
   Feel free to leave a comment and tell me what your thoughts are on equality and feminism. Don't forget to share this with your friends and follow my blog!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

The "isms"

The "ism's". That's what I call them. Sexism, racism, ageism, classism.... The list goes on and on. What they all have in common, besides their endings, is that they are all forms of discrimination. They all represent the belief that one group of people are superior to another.
Why do these exist? Why do humans feel the need to make themselves better by putting others down? Even feminism, which is supposed to represent equality, comes off as women saying that they are better than men, just because they are women!
The simple truth is, no one is better than anyone else because of how their genes came together. If anyone is truly superior to others, it is because they work hard and earn that title.
All throughout history ism's have existed. Men are better, the rich are better, whites are better,  heterosexuals are better.
Some people just accept these to be truths, especially when they work in that persons favor. This happens much to often.
How do we stop these ism's from controlling how we live our lives? Frist we need to realize that they are. We need to open our eyes. We need to follow the golden rule: treat others how you want to be treated. Because that is our right, to be treated fairly.
So now I ask you, what ism's are a part of your every day life? What do you wish you could change? When have you seen these ism's in play?
I would love to hear your thoughts on ism's. Why do you think they exist? Who is affected most?
Don't let ism's slide. They don't help anyone. They put people down, people that are the same as me and you. We all deserve to be given a chance to show who we really are, and grow to our full potential. Don't we?